Beverley Brooks MBE
I am thrilled to be the new Chair of Zephyr's charity having 40+ years experience leading, managing and working in not for profit sector dedicated to meeting the needs of our diverse communities. This includes in excess of 21 years at Chief Executive level nationally and locally, being an 'expert' witness on the Children and Adoption Bill and speaking internationally about children caught up in family breakdown. I chaired Nottingham West Clinical Commissioning Group, chaired various local and national charities and am now an NHS England Officer chairing Independent Review Panels...but more interestingly, I am a Mummy to 3 adult children, a Nanna to 4 exuberant grandchildren, and live locally with my bouncy dog and patient husband! So why Zephyrs - some 40+ years ago, I was on a train travelling from London to Nottingham with my little 2 year old - at the start of my journey I was around 20 weeks pregnant and by the end of that journey, I had lost my baby. Thank goodness Zephyrs is here to support, to care and to give hope for the future.