
Why is volunteering for Zephyr’s so valuable?

Emotional enrichment

– Become part of a kind and supportive community of people that encourages a sense of purpose and belonging
– The opportunity to give back and see your work directly make a difference
– The offer of a safe and supportive space to help process personal grief or other experiences 

Social connection

– Take part in fundraising events, dedicated group support sessions and other communal activities
-Make friends, network and meet new people
– Explore the opportunity to have new experiences and explore new ways of working with others

Professional experience 

– The overall experience of volunteering, learn teamwork and personal time management
– DBS certificates and other training provided in certain areas of volunteer-led support
– Develop skills and other professional qualities, such as leadership, event planning and management, administration and organisational skills 

Offering your time and support to Zephyr’s through volunteering helps us in many ways too

  • Volunteering means that Zephyr’s can make best use the money donated to us to pay for costly yet essential services, eg. counselling, workshop facilitators, printing and distribution costs, website maintenance, staffing and HR
  • Volunteering strengthens the bond of Zephyr’s community and helps us support each other in an organised framework based on love and kindness 
  • Volunteering means we have community ambassadors who represent Zephyr’s and it’s ethos in the wider world

We’d welcome Volunteers to support us with:

Taking care of our Zephyr’s space
Sharing and developing our library of books and resources
Representing Zephyr’s at events
Planning and attending fundraising activities
Offering support to those who need us
Helping with other regular tasks or being available on an adhoc basis

Please get in touch using the below form, and once completed send to admin@zephyrsnottingham.org.uk